Broker Organizations Filter

This article will show you how to filter by Broker Organizations to easily locate certain contacts.

1. Go to your Contacts page

2. Search and locate any contact(s) you would like to add the Broker Organizations property too 

3. Once a contact is located, click on their name to open the contact information page 

4. Scroll to the bottom on the left side where the contact's information is

5. There is a field at the very bottom called Broker Organizations

You can select one or multiple organizations in this field.


6. After you have selected the organization(s), remember to click Save at the bottom


7. After you have selected this property for the contact(s) you want, you can now filter by Broker Organizations in your main Contacts page to easily access information

8. On your Contacts home page, navigate to All filters, click on it, and then in the search bar type Broker Organizations

9. You can select one or multiple organizations to narrow your list. 

10. Click Apply filter

You should now see a list of contacts that only have the Broker Organizations property filled out.



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