Create Tasks

Keep track of your to-do list in HubSpot by creating tasks.

Task details

Regardless of where you create a task in HubSpot, you can fill in the following information. Learn how to set a default due date, due time, and reminder date for all tasks you create.

  • Title: enter a task name in the Title field. Include the text call or email in the title of your task to automatically set the corresponding task type.
  • Type: select CallEmail, or To-do. If you're using HubSpot's integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, select Sales Navigator - Send InMail or Sales Navigator - Connection request
  • Priority: select if the task is low, medium, or high priority.
  • Associate with records or [x] associations: search and select records to associate with the task.
  • Assigned to: select the user who the task is assigned to.
  • Queue: add the task to an existing task queue or create a new task queue.
  • Due date: select the date and time the task is due.
  • Set to repeat (Sales Hub or Service Hub StarterProfessional, and Enterprise users only): select the checkbox, then enter a number and select an interval of time for your task to repeat. The Set to repeat option will appear when creating tasks from the tasks index page or within an individual record, but the option will not appear if you're creating tasks from an object index page.
  • Task reminders or Send reminder: click the dropdown menu to select when an email reminder should be sent to the task owner.
  • Notes: enter details about your task.

Create tasks

You can create tasks in HubSpot from multiple tools, including the tasks index page, an object index page, or on an individual record. Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise users can also create tasks in a sequence.

Create tasks on index pages and records

To create a task from the tasks index page:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Tasks.


  • In the upper right, click Create task.

  • In the right panel, enter the details for your task.


  • Click Create. To create the current task and start creating another task, click Create and add another.

To create a task for specific records:

  • Navigate to your records:
    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts.
    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Companies.
    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Deals.
    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Service > Tickets.
    • Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts, then click the dropdown menu in the top left and select the name of the custom object.
  • If you're creating a task for multiple records in bulk:


    • Select the checkboxes next to the records you want to create tasks for.
    • Click + Create tasks at the top of the table.
    • In the right panel, enter the details for your tasks, then click Create. A task will be created for each selected record.
  • If you're creating a task for an individual record:
    • Click the name of the record.
    • In the left panel, click tasks Task.
    • In the task editor, enter the details for your task.


  • Click Create.

Create follow up tasks on record activities

  • Navigate to your records:
    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts.
    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Companies.
    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Deals.
    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Service > Tickets.
    • Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts, then click the dropdown menu in the top left and select the name of the custom object.
  • Click the name of the record.
  • In the left panel, click add Log to log a call, email, or meeting, or description Note to create a note. You can also click email Emai Email to draft a one-to-one email.
  • At the bottom of the activity editor, select the Create a task to follow up checkbox and click the dropdown menu to set a due date for your task.


  • Depending on the activity, click Log activity, Save note, or Send. A new task will be created.