Filter Brokers by State

This article will walk you through how to filter brokers by state.

1. Go to your contacts tab in HubSpot


2. Navigate to All filters and click on it


3. In the search bar, type the word Type and select it. 

4. Select BROKER from the drop-down

5. Make sure to select Apply filter


6. You will want to add another filter in order to select the state you want as well.

Click on ADD. This will add another filter in addition to the Type filter

7. In the search bar, type state, then select State/Region

8. Under the top drop-down, type the abbreviation for the state you want to filter by. For example, CA for California

9. Select Create option "CA"

10. Apply filter

11. You may now close out of the filter tab as your filters have been applied

12. You should now see all brokers under your name in the state that you have specified.