60+ Day No-Call List and 30+ Day VM/NA

This article will show you how to view a no-call list for contacts that have not been called in over 60 days.

1. On the top, dark blue bar, click on Calls

2. Click on Add View

3. You will see a couple of views. One says Call 60+ Days and the other is 30+ Days VM/NA (Voicemail/No Answer)

4. Once you select one or both of these views, they will appear in your call bar.

5. From here, you will see contacts that have not been contacted in 60+ days. Or, if you selected the other view, you will see contacts that have not been contacted in 30+ days and have just been left with a voicemail or did not answer.

These lists should guide your call lists and assist in knowing who needs attention first. 


If you have any questions, please contact hubspot@claim-doc.com